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Posted: February 27, 2024 Read time: 3 mins

CAT Driver Training fundraising initiatives raise over £3,000 for 3 charities: Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust; Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice and; Mission Motorsport.

CAT Driver Training, a leading provider of engineer-led driving training, celebrates another successful year of giving back in 2023, raising an impressive total of £3,163.78 for charitable causes, bringing the cumulative amount raised since 2019 to £13,318.46.

Jo Hoad, Co-Owner of CAT Driver Training, expresses her gratitude, "We are thrilled with the amount raised over the course of 2023. It's heartwarming to see our community continuing to come together to make a positive impact on the lives of others."

'CAT Smiles' Initiative: Sharing Joy and Funds

The 'CAT Smiles' initiative, which began in 2019, involves a £5 donation to the Charity Pot for every client photo taken for social media. In December last year, the pot smashed open, revealing a total of £2,376.16. Andrew, the client selected at random, chose to split the funds between Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust and Sue Ryder, which was presented to the respective charities this month.

Andrew explains "We chose Sue Ryder St John's Hospice as after losing a family member we realised the importance and provision of a professional, calm and peaceful environment cannot be over estimated and deserves to be recognised."

Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice in Moggerhanger provides expert and compassionate palliative care to people with life-limiting conditions. Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust focuses on supporting Addenbrooke's Hospital who treated the same family member. Understanding the CAT link to Addenbrooke’s added to Andrew’s decision to split the proceeds between the two charities. Both received £1,188.08 as the equal share of the funds raised.

Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust is dedicated to making diagnosis, treatment and care of patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital even better, while Sue Ryder provides compassionate care for those with life-limiting conditions. Both charities have received £1,188.08, as the equal share of the funds raised.

Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust’s Corporate Fundraising Lead, Joe Sagoe, says: “Everything we’re able to do at ACT, from the groundbreaking research, investing in innovative personalised treatments, or simply making wards and spaces calmer and friendlier, is only possible because kind supporters such as CAT Driver Training are ready to make a difference, and for that we’re all so grateful.”

Nick Burr, Senior Community Fundraiser at Sue Ryder St John's Hospice, said: "We’re grateful to Bedfordshire’s CAT Driver Training for going the extra mile driving up thousands of pounds through their charity efforts. Our thanks also go to their client Andrew for choosing Sue Ryder as one of the charities to support. With rising levels of need for palliative care and bereavement support the donation of £1,188.08 will help the charity continue to be there when it matters.”

CAT Books Making a Difference

In addition to the 'CAT Smiles' initiative, the profits from CAT's 2023 book sales for 'Your Track Day Guide' and the new publication launched in the Q3 'How To Start Racing' contributed £787.62 to Mission Motorsport. This marks CAT Driver Training's ongoing commitment to supporting the charity, which aids veterans in finding opportunities within motorsport and the automotive industry.

Founder and CEO of Mission Motorsport, James Cameron adds: “We love the CATDT team, and the books on racing and trackdays are brilliant reference texts for our work helping those who have served to access the sport that we love. We work hard for the funds raised and are very grateful for the support!”

Business fundraising for Addenbrooke's and Sue Ryder

About CAT Driver Training

CAT Driver Training, established twenty years ago by owners Jo and Colin Hoad, delivers bespoke training tailored to all aspects of driving, including road, track, race, and the motor industry. The company's diverse client base includes car enthusiasts, racing drivers, motor industry engineers, and autonomous developers.
Jo Hoad concludes, "In what is still a challenging environment, we are pleased to be able to support three charities, all of which are much in need. A positive way to begin 2024."

To find out how you can donate to both of these deserving causes visit and

charity / fundraising / CAT Smiles / Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust / Sue Ryder St John's Hospice

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