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Track Academy

Discover how to construct a safe, fast efficient lap by understanding the WHY as well as learning the HOW.

Understand how to manipulate speed & tyre grip, to influence & create safe, confident, progressive driving on track.

Living in the moment & learning how to reflect accurately on your own performance is one of the key pillars of track driving with true precision & accuracy.  Car Control can only begin to become instinctive & unconsciously competent if you are acutely aware of your own execution of the track driving process.

Develop track driving consistency, reduce lap times & be more comfortable driving at grip limit in all conditions with CAT – the world’s leading personal driver trainers.

Enjoy the complete track driving academy & benefit from our game changing driver pathway, or just one day – it’s your choice.

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Our Courses

Dynamic duo
  • Stand Alone Course

Cat Track L1

Best Seller


  • Explore dynamic driving exercises
  • Develop circuit braking techniques
  • Optimise speed & efficiency
  • Optimise tyre grip in corners
  • Discover how emotional state influences dynamic stability
  • Know the WHY to understand the HOW
  • Layer each building block
  • Develop consistency
Dynamic duo

Cat Track L2

Best Seller


  • Understand your cars dynamic driving platform
  • Optimise speed & safety
  • Understand the safest line & WHY
  • Advance trail braking, left foot braking, heel & toe & reference point technique
  • Examine/dissect every type of corner
  • Embed circuit driving technique
  • Evaluate dynamic change for safety & speed
  • Consistency is King - lap times within 0.5/second
  • Stand Alone Course

Cat Track L3

Best Seller

Over Grip Limit & Drifting Course

  • Explore dynamic driving exercises
  • Go beyond your comfort zone
  • Explore beyond grip limit
  • Manage & master Oversteer
  • Manage & master Understeer
  • Over grip limit recovery techniques
  • Become comfortable when grip is finite
  • Optional - Learn to Drift

Cat Track L4

Grip Limit

  • Find confidence & comfort at & beyond the limit of adhesion
  • Mastery of tyre & vehicle management
  • Create/embed mental maps in your neural networks
  • Hone pathways in your brain & on the tarmac
  • Explore emotional management skills
  • Understand the HOW & WHY vehicles behave when grip is finite
  • Manage grip limit FWD - RWD - 4WD
  • Become comfortable being uncomfortable

Cat Track L5

Confidence at Grip Limit

  • Designed for first time/inexperienced track day drivers
  • Explore high speed corners up to grip limit
  • Achieve & master grip limit cornering
  • Optimise apex speed
  • Dissect corners from braking zone to exit phase
  • Manage control inputs for platform balance & speed
  • Develop your emotional management
  • Consistent safe, fast, repeatable laps

Cat Track L6


  • Prepare & manage yourself & your car
  • Set personal objectives after each session on track
  • Negotiate traffic with confidence
  • Increase comfort with speed differentials
  • Overtake with safety
  • Dissect braking points, corner radius & acceleration points
  • Amalgamate & consolidate your learning
  • Construct a safe efficient optimised repeatable lap at pace

Road Academy

Learn how the road will affect your cars handling, remove the unpredictable & master advanced braking & steering techniques.

Be one of the most comprehensively developed drivers on the road with our client centred driver programme & protect your investment with the help of our resident experts.

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Race Academy

Motorsport is about a series of 1% improvements each & every time you get behind the wheel.

Find enough of them & you will be quicker.

It is not only about what you do behind the wheel, it is about knowing WHY you do it.

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