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Posted: January 10, 2019

Leading engineer driver training specialists, CAT Driver Training, launch the world’s first independent Autonomous Driver Training course for CAV development and testing.

CAV Driver Training

Autonomous systems developers and car manufacturers are shaping the future of transport in the UK. Their immediate and increasing global requirement to test and develop these autonomous vehicles on the public highway is driving a quantifiable and necessary shift in how risk is assessed and mitigated.

All driverless cars tested on public roads must have a vehicle operator in the car ready to take over controls in an emergency or situation outside the system’s capabilities. Studies carried out have demonstrated how challenging it is for Safety Drivers to stay alert and respond quickly when potential hazards appear.

The need for specialist driver training is evident. Safety Drivers need to be equipped with the skills necessary to maintain the highest level of concentration and risk assessment when not in control of the vehicle, as well as the capability to handle the car effectively in such a situation.

CAT Driver Training has been delivering Motor Industry Engineering Driver Training to Blue Chip manufacturers, engineering providers and test evaluators from at their base within Millbrook Proving Ground, for fifteen years. Coaching health and safety compliance on the highway, as well as safe and effective evaluation techniques on the proving ground.

The CAV Driver Training course has been developed by Chief Instructor Colin Hoad who has over forty years engineering experience. He explains :

Training a car how to drive itself is no mean feat - considerations go way beyond the basic functionality of controlling the vehicle. It is vital that the impressive technology and machine learning that educates autonomous systems, does not overshadow the necessity for driverless cars to be developed using industry level advanced driving expertise. For autonomy to truly revolutionise our transport infrastructure, self-driving cars need to not only meet, but surpass the standards of the everyday driver we encounter on our roads.

Driving Intelligence is the missing piece of the self-driving puzzle. By uniting the testing and valuation practices of today with vehicle dynamic driving principal; our training optimises existing CAV development projects to produce the most advanced driver of tomorrow.

To date, the company has trained autonomous experts in a variety of fields, which include Safety Drivers, AI specialists, Engineers, and Software/ Hardware, Developers. Courses are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each autonomous project.

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