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You're looking to develop your driving & invest a significant amount of money in yourself.  Learning isn't random - look at your early years at school, hobby or any competitive activity.  There was always a plan, an outline or path to get you where you needed to be.  The most efficient progressive route, gives you the structure & clearly sets your development expectation.  

As recognised Experts, CAT delivers learning programmes in your chosen discipline (road, track, race, motor industry) that are structured & systematic arrangements of activities, developing the skills needed, to achieve your required learning & performance outcomes.  Our levels, or modules/tiers as you prefer, follow in a logical & sequential order, guiding you through the contents in the most progressive route.  This because we KNOW it is your most efficient & cost effective route to the result you want.

Global Experts in professional driver education & development.  Authorities in vehicle dynamics, test & evaluation procedures & technique.

Being the best, the CAT instructor team hold the highest qualifications the DVSA award, as well as Accredited Coaching Driver Development skills - this includes the psychological aspects of driving.  Combined with our authentic engineering expertise, this gives CAT our unique approach to developing your car control. 

Each member in our small team is dedicated & hand picked, sharing our passion for cars & driving. Our business model is to have a small team of highly qualified & experienced instructors in the 4 disciplines we teach. No large group of instructors just to get the numbers through the door - our specialism is a bespoke, quality & professional service with instruction to match.

Evidence based qualifications held range from Nurburgring Industry Pool Evaluator, Motor Manufacturer Engineer Trainers, Professional Racing Drivers with British Touring Car experience, ARDS Instructors, ROSPA Gold Members, Institute of Advanced Motorists, Driving Standards Agency Fleet Trainers, ROSPA Fleet Diploma, Approved Driving Instructors, MSA & DIA members.

Read more about each team member & what our qualifications mean for you & your driver development on our Qualified Team Page.

Since our beginning in 2005, CAT has led the driver training conversation – with knowledge that is exclusive.

Our dynamic driver training, based on true vehicle dynamics understanding cannot be replicated & makes us one of a kind.

We are not all the same.

There is no ceiling to your learning with CAT.  As your objectives are met, your end goal may change.  CAT moves with you, building your knowledge & technique to where your driving goal takes you.

Why you can Trust CAT

  1. Every knowledge based statement, engineering reference & qualification is evidence based
  2. Employed by Motor manufacturers & UTAC's Millbrook Proving Ground to deliver training
  3. The only independent driver trainers in the UK with our evidence based qualifications
  4. UTAC Millbrook Resident
  5. 18+ years training CAT clients
  6. Trustpilot 5/5 Reviews
  7. 5900+ clients
  8. All courses tailored to your unique objectives, skill set & personal learning outcomes

Unrivalled in course content & personalisation, CAT redefined the driver training & coaching experience in 2005. Intelligently designed, our courses deliver maximum enjoyment & safety. Individuals learn in different styles. Some of us are visual, others by hearing, you might prefer to read or be kinaesthetic. As expert coaches, we adapt our style to meet each clients preferred method. Understanding performance cars engineered DNA is key. The CAT dynamic experts coach to discover this knowledge & understanding. Being the best, the CAT Instructor team hold the highest qualifications the DVSA award, as well as Accredited Coaching Driver Development skills. This includes the psychological aspects of driving. Combined with our engineering expertise, this gives CAT our unique approach to developing car control.

Engineering expertise, knowledge exclusivity, tailored training & customer satisfaction.

Research & choose the right company that matches the development you’re looking for.

The true vehicle dynamic experts.

Every CAT client is an individual with your own unique objectives.  At the same time you share attributes & often have common goals.  You expect a unique service tailored to your own learning style, objectives & vehicle type.  

  • Are you a driver who relishes being at the wheel?
  • Are you a hands on owner, drawing satisfaction from personally piloting your car?
  • Do you want to know WHY?  Not just be told HOW?
  • Would you prefer to spend half the time & half the cost to reach a higher driving standard than with any other training provider?
  • Looking to work with instructors who are genuine - qualifications to prove their vehicle dynamic knowledge & coaching claims?
  • Do you research before buying?

Travelling from around the world, our individual clients are discerning, research before buying, recognise the truth, value integrity & want to know the Why, not just be told How.

Motor industry OEMs & suppliers recognise CAT as structured driver training programme providers for global vehicle development & test, including autonomy & CAV innovations.

For your tailored session, our recommendation is always to use your own car - this is where you'll utilise your new found skills & bond with your car.  Tyre wear has been measured at 0.8-1mm across a full day Performance Driver Course.  Read our blog for reassurance.

Any reservations?  You have the option to decide on your car or ours once arrived at UTAC, or to use ours throughout. It’s about giving you a choice & the best customer service possible.

The hire cost for using one of the CAT fleet includes fuel & reasonable tyre wear (extreme wear during the Over Grip Limit Handling Course is expected). An excess of £500 will be paid by the Hirer in the event of an insurance claim (no incidents since CAT's start up in 2005).

As UTAC, formerly known as Millbrook, is an automotive testing facility insurance is not provided on circuit.  Your standard road insurance is unlikely to cover your time at the facility, but it is always worth checking.  You will need to sign a Disclaimer acknowledging you are aware & proceeding on this basis.  The likes of Ryan Motorsport will provide an insurance quote to cover your vehicle during your training course - each quote is based on your own circumstances & most importantly the value of your car.  The telephone number to call is 01799 524202 & website link here. Once you have completed your training, companies such as Adrian Flux may offer a discount of up to 15% for your annual insurance policy, dependent on the car & your age.


  • Comfortable casual clothing & soft-soled shoes – trainers are ideal & recommended.
  • If a crash helmet is required for your training, we will supply one in your size, or please bring your own.  Open face are preferred to ease communication for enclosed cars, full face with intercom communication equipment for open top cars - which we can provide.
  • Gloves - bring your own or CAT can supply as needed
  • Race overalls are not necessary but you are welcome to wear them if you are more comfortable

Food & Drink

Tea, coffee & biscuits are provided. On full day sessions lunch is included.  Please advise any special dietary needs on your booking form.  

Photography & Filming

This is strictly prohibited without a Security Minder - UTAC is a confidential automotive testing facility.  On entering the facility, Security will keep safe any photographic/filming equipment at the Lodge & return it to you as you leave the site.  Mobile phones have security seals placed over each camera lens  - with removal allowed once you've passed back through UTAC Security as you leave.  With prior arrangement & payment it is possible to hire a Security Minder. 

There are no hidden costs on our training days. The course fee accepted at the time of booking & paid for in full before your training commences is the only money you will be required to pay. During your training light refreshments will be provided & if a full day, lunch will be provided. If you choose to take out insurance with a provider this is at your own choice & cost. 

How to find UTAC Millbrook:

N 52.039696

W 0.527939

N 52° 2' 22.9050"

W 0° 31' 40.5804

Update 1st January 2022

The CAT team have all received their booster COVID-19 vaccination doses. Lateral flow tests are taken before every training course is delivered. This forms part of our COVID Secure process, giving you reassurance we continue to prioritise our mutual responsibility to mitigate risk.

Clients are asked to do the same where possible and practical, the day before and on the morning before arriving for training, to minimise the risk of cross infection. During training in car, clients are asked to wear a face covering to protect the CAT team and our clients, as there is no change to our COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy. Masks continue to be worn by the CAT team.

Having lost 7 months training income, we trust you understand our wish to protect our business & our clients.

Update 19th July 2021

The legal requirement to wear a face covering in England has ended today, but the government expects and recommends that people continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces. To protect the CAT team and our clients, there will be no change to our COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy. Masks will continue to be worn by clients & the CAT team.

As the R rate increases around the country, we ask that all clients take lateral flow tests in the days leading up to their training course, to minimise the risk of cross infection. Having lost 7 months training income, we trust you understand our wish to protect our business & our clients.

Update 12th July 2021

The CAT team have all received their second COVID-19 vaccination doses. Lateral flow tests continue to be taken twice a week. This forms part of our COVID Secure process, giving you reassurance we are being responsible and doing everything we can from our side to mitigate risk. Clients are being asked to do the same where possible and practical before arriving for training.

Update 31st March 2021

As we get back to work after the latest national lockdown, the instructor team have all received their first COVID-19 vaccination dose. Lateral flow tests are also being taken twice a week. This adds to our COVID Secure process, giving you reassurance we are being responsible and doing everything we can from our side to mitigate risk. Clients are being asked to do the same where possible and practical before arriving for training.

Update 5th January 2021

Training is suspended as instructed by the DVSA - the instructor governing body.  Clients have asked why training cannot continue when Millbrook Proving Ground remains open.  As driving instructors, to continue would be against the law, potentially invalidate our insurance, put our training licence in jeopardy, as well as increase your & our health risk. 

Once we are out of the current national lockdown, driver development on the public highway will recommence when authorised to do so by the DVSA. In the meantime, Jo is available in the office to help with your enquiries and make bookings for 2021.

Keep safe and well.

Update 4th July 2020

Following the DVSA approval for the instructor community to return to work on 4th July 2020, our training activities have restarted with Health & Safety priority number 1.  Our COVID-19 Health & Safety Statement & Policy runs to 9 pages, to protect the safety of you, our clients and staff. 

4 Steps to Safer Working Together

  1. We have carried out a COVID-19 Hygiene Procedures Risk Assessment
  2. We have cleaning and hand washing procedures in line with government advice
  3. We have taken steps to maintain a 2 metre distance where possible
  4. Where people cannot be 2 metres apart we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk

Client contact has been isolated into 7 key zones, with each risk assessed and counter measures implemented to ensure the lowest potential risk when social distancing cannot be maintained.

The Key Zones are:

  1. Instructor Support Staff preparation
  2. Before the Delegate arrives
  3. Before the Delegate enters UTAC Millbrook
  4. Meet & Greet
  5. At the CAT Hub
  6. In Car
  7. End of Day
  8. General Advice

Issued to all delegates prior to arrival, our Statement & Policy is available on request. 

We've trained 7,602 customers